Well... what did I say in my first post, something about never keeping up with the blogging. Then it is no surprise that this is my first post in over a month.
Alot's been going on, I say alot in the hope that I can think of what's been going on, but I fear it maybe little or nothing and will appear I have just been sitting on my fat arse for the last month, which is true....to an extent.
I have been festivalling it up, Lovebox was ruddy excellent and just had superb weather for it, and the chance to destroy my skull vans with berry juice was just too good to refuse. And I think the Gaymers stage one this year with an excellent line-up which included Lykke Li, Natty and Ebony Bones, who incedently has come so far from when I first saw her at
Music is my Boyfriend in 2007.
The Main stage had the delights of Sebastian Tellier I think he only played two songs, they all go on for hours, but very entertaining, lieing on his piano serenading the audience. And Goldfrapp with their Wicker Man themed show, with pagan nymphs suducing the may pole - was slow to start as Alison blasted out the ballards, but soon got the crowd jumping in unision.
Another highlight, and I thank Gill at Heartmedia for taking me into the The Strangelove tent, first to witness the surprise guest appearence from Mylo, then to be amazed by the talented Mr. Beardyman and his live sampling and mash-up and then the act to top it all off.....
Midnight JuggernautsSlap on the fake moustache and off we go into Jonny Woo's lare, or NYC Downlow. Trannys, fanny, bircages and all the neon lights in the world, what more could you want to boogie woogie the afternoon away.
Thanks Lovebox this year was excellent.